My husband, Jim, really didn't understand why in the world I wanted an old wire basket. All he saw was a piece of junk. Myself, for five dollars I thought it was a steal. I know sitting by itself the basket doesn't look like much. But, as soon as I made eye contact with it I immediately thought of many potential uses for it, and I pretty much had to have it. When the guy selling it told me $5 I got totally excited. My husband just looked at me like I was either weird or crazy. Luckily he is getting used to it. He said he has learned to just trust me, because I always manage to surprise him with whatever I end up doing with all of my/our finds...

I just hope that when my husband gets home tonight, he likes it too! Not that he has a choice (hehe)... I get to do all of the decorating. He loves me so much he will let me use it either way... I am so lucky!
When decorating your home, try to think outside of the box as to uses for unexpected items you may find. I love thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets as you never know what you might find. If you haven't gone to any lately, try going to one. You might be surprised how many cool things are actually there. Just be willing to look through a little junk to find your treasures.
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