My name is Diana Walker and I'm the owner of I am a Southern California native who grew up near the beach. I believe that, with a little help, Anyone can learn to decorate and put some personality into their space! I am a fun loving DIY decorator & crafter. I enjoy sharing tips, tricks and ideas. I absolutely love thrifting, flea markets, garage sales and roadside junk! I tend to use vintage and salvaged items that are a bit rustic and shabby. I love that they add warmth, charm and character to any space.
This is my amazing husband Jim and I on a recent cruise... and the next picture includes my youngest daughter, Britney (on the right)... (BTW - I am so NOT a hat person!!!)
At a young age I was super into crafting and by the time I was a young adult decorating was a passion of mine. I am completely self taught, with the help of HGTV and a few magazines (lol). I love to finding creative ways to decorate on a small budget. Don't get me wrong, having the money to buy what I want when I want would be really nice (hehe), but there is a great reward when you do a project and turn someones trash into a beautiful new treasured piece! My husband Jim is very supportive of me and my many many projects. He helps me pretty much whenever I ask. I have a pain disorder called fibromyalgia so I do need his help with all of my larger projects! As for the pain of fibromyalgia, I will write more about that below (if you are interested in reading). When it comes to DIY renovation and decor projects, I am the designer and my hubby is my contractor (lucky me). It works well for us! I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ. It has definitely helped me accept my illness and remain positive. Understanding that God is in control and that my future is in His hands allows me to enjoy life while living for Him. I am grateful for all He has done for me! Our children are grown and live away from home. Our youngest recently graduated College and lives about an hour away (which I love because we still see her often). I am very blessed with a wonderful family and good friends. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing my passion for decorating with you. My life and Living with Chronic Pain...
I was a single mom from my mid 20's to my mid 30's. I have a completely type "A" personality and I used to be an always on the go, super active, overachieving, super mom... For years I functioned at an extremely high level. I could do it all. Or, at least I thought I could.
About 12 years ago, as a single mother, I got severely ill with some horrible virus and was pretty much bedridden for a four month period. After the virus finally subsided I was still very achy and fatigued all of the time. My doctor ran test after test and could not figure out what was wrong with me. I was constantly experiencing extreme fatigue and all over deep aching pain. My hands would hurt so badly I could hardly hold a pen to write my name. I was in my early 30's at that time, and this was so NOT acceptable!!!
Being type "A" I couldn't stand it when doctors told me that nothing was wrong with me, when surely I knew something was! My blood tests looked fine so as far as they were concerned nothing must be wrong. I felt horrible and was in constant nagging all over pain... This was definitely NOT NORMAL! And I was NOT okay!!!
After many months and tons of tests, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was basically a shell of my former self. No I wasn't skinny (I wish... lol), but I had no energy whatsoever and I barely even spoke. I had gone from someone who talked all of the time and spoke at a rapid rate (way too fast for some to keep up), to practically a zombie. I went from wearing a suit every day and being a full time career mom, to being sickly and unable to work and hardly able to move. Ugh... It was horrible. I was just existing from day to day, but it wasn't much of an existence as my body just wanted to sleep and when I was awake I was pretty much a non-participant in life. No, I was not depressed, not in the least. Yet it seemed depression is the doctor's first assumption and second and third for that matter!
After four months the doctor ran some additional tests. Shown in my tests were three viruses that I've had at some point in my life. Those being Mononucleosis, Epstein Barr Virus and Parvo Virus (Parvo? scary, since we normally think of this as an animal virus, but actually it is a human virus that animals contracted). Parvo and Epstein Barr are somewhat rare and usually something you can only get when you have a very weakened immune system, which growing up with tons of allergies and asthma, I did. These viruses all lay dormant in my system and can resurface if I don't take care of myself. However, I am not contageous. Nobody around me has gotten sick in the 12 years I've had it. The doctors also noticed some numbers on the more random tests he gave me were completely out of whack pointing to possible multiple sclerosis or Lupus. However, in the end I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and CFS. At that time Fibromyalgia was not a widely known illness (although it is now). Doctors really didn't know how you treat it. It is what is known as a hidden illness... A person who has it, looks completely fine on the outside. But on the inside they have excruciating aches and pains, weakness, memory issues (known as fibro fog because your brain is often in a fog), intestinal issues and much more. Having it is kind of like having a 24/7 super achy flu bug that just never goes away.
Over time learning how to manage my illness and manage the pain became a priority. I was able to find several things that help me.... from non-narcotic medication to medical massages, a home massage chair, jacuzzi tub circulatory baths, also nutritional supplements (vitamins)... etc. I now live a mostly normal life while having Fibromyalgia. Oh, I'm still in pain on a daily basis, but I've learned to live within it's means. I never ever let it get me down. I look at it like this "My limbs may hurt like hell, but I thank God every single day that I have limbs"!!! I always put the pain into perspective and remember that it could be worse. Keeping a positive attitude helps me and I find it also helps others around me!
What I deal with is not degenerative nor is it life threatening. It is just a new way to live. I manage my time differently and I must rest when my body tells me to! Taking naps and getting proper sleep (via Ambien) is key to me feeling well! Taking Ambien is the only way I get a good night sleep, so I do take it every night. Some people tell me "don't take that stuff, it's horrible for you"... I would say, the alternative, not sleeping would be worse! I've also found that what and how I eat play a huge factor in how I feel. Especially when it comes to getting headaches. I used to have severe migraines, as many as three or four days a week and they would completely incapacitate me to the point of being in bed for 24 hours straight each time, except when I got up to vomit. Then it was straight back to bed. Poor diet played a huge part in my migraines. In fact, MSG will cause me a migraine within 15 or 20 minutes of eating anything with MSG (monosodium glutumate) as an ingredient. I have completely changed the way I eat and it has helped the headaches considerably. I still get an occasional migraine, but it is down to about two a month now. Much better than the dozen or so I used to get!!
I have not worked a full time job since the onset of my illness 12 years ago. In fact I have not worked outside of the home since. In some ways it has been a huge blessing, I've been able to spend more time with family then ever before. It has allowed to me to explore my passions. Decorating, Crafting and blogging is how I spend my "good" days. I absolutely love sharing tips, tricks, decorating ideas and DIY projects with others. I have found the blogging community to be such a supportive, positive and fun outlet.
I have recently added some advertising to my blog as a way to make a few dollars from home. Although making money from blogging is not my main goal, every little bit does help! I hope that most followers are okay with the new ads. I've tried to keep them to the side as much as possible. The content of the blog is still there for everyone to read and hopefully enjoy.
![]() Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I look forward to getting to know you! Blessings,
It was a pleasure to read your story Diana; thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWith love
Thank you Suzanne :)
DeleteWhat a lovely oppotunity to read about you! I can certainly relate on daily pain, its no fun, thats for sure! Keep pushing on:)
ReplyDeleteHi Diana!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know what you're going through. When I first mentioned this to the doctor he told me it was a diabetic thing. I've had diabetes since '71 at 9 yrs old. It's been a rough journey. Diabetes for 42 yrs, 18 operations so far, an abusive 1st marriage and have been on deaths door 4 times in my life and a sexual 11 yrs ago.
It's no wonder I have fibromyalgia!!!
I also look fine on the outside, but, like you, I live with a lot of pain. It will be interesting to get to know you more!! I look forward to it!!
Thanks for sharing Pam. I'm sorry to hear about all that you have gone through! Stay strong :)
I found this info today and was SO excited because friends tell me they send comments; I never see one. On friend said she gets a message "no reply blogger". So I followed the steps...BUT, bummer, my boxes were all checked appropriately. :-( Still searching for a fix. Thank you though - you raised my spirits for a bit anyway.
ReplyDeleteMary, you are not a no reply blogger! I can see all of your information both here and in my email.
DeleteWow, this could have been written by me! The creativity at an early age, single mom for several years, type A personality :) strong faith in Jesus Christ, and then the fibro..... as a matter of fact I just made a trip from my home in S.D. to St. Paul, MN (5 hrs) for some more doctoring. However, these appoinments gave me a little hope since they suggested some pain relieving mthods I had not tried yet. Namely biofeedback, and a TENS unit, amoung others. Thank you for sharing! I just found your blog and LOVE it! You are a girl after my own heart with your style! I will definately be following. Thanks, April
DeleteSo many of us with Fibro have similar stories. Never give up hope and trying to find what works for or helps you! I'm thinking of adding a new post about living with Fibro and mentioning some of the new things that have helped me to manage it. If you have not yet tried eating a Paleo diet, I recommend it. Eliminating food additives, Gluten and refined sugars have all helped me to feel better overall. Not healed by any means, but at least to a level that is more manageable.
Oh Diana... what a similar story we have to yours. Except it's my husband who has CFS. He was diagnosed in 1986 while we were stationed on Guam.
ReplyDeleteMy husband was an Air Force dentist. They transferred us to San Antonio to be near a large medical facility so they could monitor this mysterious CFS (which they often tried to link unsuccessfully to depression).
Oh how this illness stretched our faith. (My husband, who was also my USAF dentist, had lead me to the Lord Jesus back in 1982... I had dated him on a dare to corrupt him. He was such a nice looking guy... and a new Christian. Instead of me corrupting him, he lead me to the Lord!)
Three years later he contracted a mystery virus which he seemed to recover from after 5 months. Yet the effects of the virus remained. He was exhausted all the time. He had sore, swollen joints and lymphnodes. He often ran a low grade fever. The Air Force didn't know what to do with him.
If someone had told me what CFS would do to him, to his career, to our marriage, I might not have accepted that dare over 30 years ago.
But, oh how God has used it to transform us from self-centered people, to Christ-centered seekers.
I admire how you have rallied, through faith, and made the most of your time and talents... and what a good eye you have for decorating!
Both my parents had been antiques dealers in their second careers. (Mom actually started earlier).
I learned about repurposing, restoring, and thinking outside the box. And now I'm following in their footsteps.
So... blessings on you as you persevere. I love that you share your story as well as your decorating tips.
Speaking of which... where'd you find that inexpensive burlap (the 4" wide, 300' roll for $10)? I'd like to use it to make gathered, ruffle garland for swags, tree garland, etc.
Many thanks Diana and blessings over you as you keep shining for Jesus.