I have decided to start making videos to better show you my decorating and DIY projects as I work on them and reveal them. I will still have photos of my projects, but also video updates so you can fully see and hear about what I am working on.
Yesterday I decided to shoot a sample video to see if I was even capable of creating something interesting without stuttering all over the place (lol)... I didn't plan on my first attempt at making a video to be something I would actually publish... Hence, the hair in a ponytail with a baseball cap and lack of makeup. I was not necessarily what I would call "camera ready". But since I surprised myself that I actually could talk to the camera and make sense... I decided to go ahead and post my first video.
Today I figured out how to made a few little edits to the video, created a YouTube Channel and posted the video on both my YouTube channel and here on my blog. I feel so accomplished :)

My YouTube Channel is also called "Anyone Can Decorate". I have posted just the one video so far... To view my first video and view the makeover that has been going on in my craft room just click below. Note: If you click the title at the top of the video it will open a larger version of the video on a separate YouTube page.
If for some reason you can't see the video... you can click this link to see it: my first YouTube video
In the video I mentioned that I would post the links for the ribbon organizer and tool organizers that I love so much... So if anyone is looking for those items, here are the links to them: Ribbon Organizer and Tool Organizer.
I'm so excited about my entire craft room. It is currently about half way done and is still a work in progress... but so far I am loving it!
I would love it if you would subscribe to my new YouTube channel to catch all of my future content.
Until next time,
Happy decorating!