A few years ago I made this simple no sew bunting flag for Valentine's Day and it's so easy that I thought I would share it with you again.

I started by tearing out nine pages from the music book. I had decided to use an odd number of pages so I would have one hanging directly in the center. I planned to put a note on the center flag so I needed one in the center (I hope that made sense)...
After tearing out the pages, I cut a straight edge down the side that was torn. Then I cut and trimmed all of the excess edging around the music. I made one page as a template for size and then I cut the remaining pages to the same size.
Next I softly folded a few pages at once (without creasing), then I proceeded to cut the bottom off (as shown below)...
I did the same to all of the pages using my first cut piece as a template guide for the remainder of them.
Next, I laid the pages across my floor and placed hearts across them, with dark pink and light pink alternating. I decided I wanted something a little more decorative than just the alternating colors, so I proceeded to cut out smaller hearts from additional white and light pink hearts. I folded the foam in half and cut my smaller hearts from the larger ones. After laying out my pattern, I decided I would lay out my text for the white center heart.
I decided to put the words "Be Mine" on the center heart using the glitter letters that came with the package of hearts.
Next I looked at my two different shades of pink ribbon before deciding to use the dark pink. I like the contrast between the darker pink and the white paper. At this point nothing was glued yet. Everything is just sitting in place so I could see if I liked the look... (which I did!).
I used clear packaging tape fasten the ribbon to the back of each page. (Note: music was printed on both sides of each page, which is why you see me taping to music). I left the ribbon slightly below the top of the page so the tape had paper to adhere to, both above and below the ribbon. I put about 1 1/2 inches of spacing between each of the flags.
After fastening all of the pages, I turned over the entire project so I was now looking at the front.
I used my multipurpose craft glue and smeared a bit on the back of each heart and then just eyeballed what looked like the center and fastened each one. It is a home made craft project so it doesn't have to be perfect... It is made with love and is supposed to look a little home made :)
So here is it, my finished project. I hope it inspires you to get creative!
Until next time...
Happy decorating!