Earlier this evening a neighbor brought us this beautiful plate of Christmas cookies. She and her mother have been baking and decorating these works of art for three days. Although I've made many Christmas sweets and treats in the past, I think these are the cutest cookies I have ever seen!
They made over 33 different kinds... and according to my husband they are absolutely amazing! I have been eating Paleo for about 7 weeks now (which includes no sugar and no grains) so needless to say I can not taste even one bite of these sweet treats. But, I can admit that I am tempted!!! I will not eat them (will power, will power, will power... I say as I'm trying to convince myself) but they seriously look and smell so yummy. I think tonight I will be dreaming about eating these.

It is such a blessing to have wonderful and thoughtful neighbors...
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!