
Life Unexpected... Explained

Here we are weeks into 2015 and I am posting my first blog post of the year. A few have wondered where I have been. For the past 7 months our lives have been spent between two homes, two locations. Suitcases packed and unpacked every week/weekend traveling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. It felt like a merry go round! My husband had unexpectedly taken a job contract that required us to be away from home each and every week and some weekends for seven months.

Living between two places, coming home to our true home only occasionally on weekends. It felt like we were always coming or going! I never felt settled. My husband was so busy working... long hours for days on end, I can only imagine what it felt like for him.

Although a few projects around our house did get completed during this time, I had little to no time for blogging. I didn't want to or know how to share that we were away from home because I've heard that you shouldn't make it public information that nobody is living in your house. Potential for break ins and theft, etc... So I just wasn't sure what or how to explain our situation, so I didn't. 

The good news is we are officially back at home. We can now get back to life as I used to know it (haha)... I don't quite feel settled as of yet, but I am getting there.    

One thing I learned is that I don't need as much "STUFF" as I have. Living in the other location with much less was easy. In fact taking care of a smaller place was so much easier than 3200 square feet! 

I have decided I want to get rid of some of the "stuff" and "treasures" that I realize I don't need and live a little more simply. In the coming weeks I will be letting go of a few things around here... Some will be donated, a few larger items I might sell on Craigslist, and I might decide to have a big yard sale. Our house is so full that I think I can do with a few less pieces to dust :)

Although I shared very little over the holidays this past season, I'm looking forward to this new year. I'll be sharing my tips on simplifying, organizing and also some new crafts and projects.

I hope you are all doing well!

