
Organic Gardening Tip - Simple Weed Control

We just finished planting our veggie garden for this year.  We try to be as organic as possible in growing our own fruits and vegetables.  Our town has a small nursery that has been here for over 50 years and they always give me great advice!  

I was talking to them about organic gardening and how last year I had a problem with weeds.  Their expert advice was this, "DO NOT buy expensive organic weed control products, but rather shred a regular old newspaper (luckily we have a paper shredder)!   Spread a few inches of the shredded paper over the top of the soil, turn it into the soil and water it well.  Then just plant the veggies as normal.  He said that something in the newspaper and it's print doesn't allow weeds to germinate/grow.  He said if we did this at the beginning of each season, we would have very few weeds the entire year. 

After turning a few inches of shredded paper into the soil, we planted tomatoes, cucumbers, green bunching onions (chives), cilantro, basil, zucchini, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe and kale.

We watered everything well and now I can't wait to have fresh home grown fruits and veggies!  

The strawberries on the lower level we had already planted prior to the newspaper trick... so now I'll be comparing the amount of weeds in the bottom, around the strawberries) to the top.  I am hopeful that the newpaper trick will control the weeds.  Assuming it will, I will be sure to put the shredded paper into all of our garden areas next time :)

In a few weeks I will update you on how our fruit and veggie garden is doing/producing and how our weed control is going.

Happy decorating and happy gardening!



  1. Hello Diana!
    Thank you for the wonderful suggestion!I can't wait to try it out!What smart people you have at your nursery.I am currently growing strawberries in 2 different large size Topsey Turvey containers. I too, hope to get some strawberries before the deer and the other wildlife get to them.I will let you know how it turns out.

  2. what a great idea!! I think I'd be too worried though that whatever's in the paper/ink that helps with the weeds would also do something weird to my vegetables.. But i'm a worrier

  3. Did you ever post an update on whether the shredded newspaper trick worked?

    1. The shredded newspaper did seem to help a little bit. But I feel there are still too many weeds in the garden. The guy at my garden center swears by the newsprint... but I'm not sure I saw enough of an improvement to do it again.

    2. Hi Diana,

      I've heard people swear by newspaper too, but every time I've seen it done its been in a flat layer on top of the soil and underneath mulch. Kind of like how you would use weed fabric. I don't know anyone who has personally done it, so I can say for sure that it works, but I'm planning on giving it a try in my garden this year. : )
      Hope this helps!

  4. We have put newspaper down around the tomatoe plants , then cover with grass clippings( which we have an abundance). It helps keep down weeds and to keep ground moist.


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