
$5 Wall Art - Decorating with Letters

I recently decorated the base of our stairwell with some thrift and flea market finds that I had painted and given new life.  The wall at the right of the stairwell was begging for some sort of wall art.  While shopping at Michaels Craft Store I found large letters made from a paper mache type cardboard on sale for $5 each.  I decided to to get a large "W" for our last name, which is Walker.  With some leftover Black Chalkboard Paint that I had on hand, I brushed on a quick coat and let it dry... There you have it. This was seriously the easiest ever DIY wall art!!!

Below is a picture of what it looked like before I painted it.  I always say it's amazing what a little paint can do!

I waited about 15 minutes for the paint to dry and then I put Command Picture Hanging Strips on the back to make for easy hanging.  Command Strips are awesome for hanging lightweight items and they don't damage the walls (which I love)!!!

I've always like the look of decorating with letters, but this is the first time I've actually done it.  I like it so much that I think I'll do another somewhere else in our home :)

Until next time,
Happy decorating!



  1. It looks so lovely!! :)

  2. This is gorgeous! Newest follower...You can find me decorating, painting and baking on HickoryTrail


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