
Did You Know That it is National Painting Week?

Yesterday started the mark of National Painting Week 2013.  This year it runs from April 15th through April 21st.  That still leaves plenty of time to get those spring painting projects started and into high gear!

For information on National Painting Week and for color inspiration and ideas you can visit

I myself am painting a furniture project right now.  It is a thrift store find that is a mid century modern piece... and I am giving it a chic makeover with a chevron pattern on the front...  Here is a bit of a sneak peek -  (note: the blue stuff is just tape)

The big reveal is coming soon...  I will show you exactly what I did and how I did it to this piece.  And also show you the ugly before and amazing after pictures :)
I hope your feel inspired to get a jump start on some fun painting projects around your home.

Many blessings,
and Happy decorating!


1 comment:

  1. i love painting but suck at it. Looking forward to read your upcoming post about it.

    New here and happy to follow,


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