
DIY Monogrammed Easter Eggs

Last night I made these adorable monogrammed Easter eggs in about an hour.  I will show you how you can make them too...

First you must start with hard boiled eggs that are dry and around room temperature.

I cut vinyl stickers on my Cricut Electronic Cutting Machine
in 1" and 2" heights.  I did mostly letters plus a few fun shapes.  If you don't have a cutter, you could also buy letter stickers at a craft store. 

I put my stickers onto the hard boiled eggs.  I made sure they were adhered well.  The stickers are hard to see in the picture below, so I outlined the "D" so you could see one of them clearly.

I purchased a $2.00 Paas Easter Egg Coloring Kit and that is all I used to color them.

I put an egg into each color and waited just a couple of minutes for the color to take.

I used the egg carton to space the eggs out while they dried.

I waited about a half an our for the color to completely dry and then I removed the stickers.

I love the finished results... Simple and beautiful colored eggs with wonderful charm and character!

I wish you and yours a wonderful and blessed Easter!


1 comment:

  1. I knew that I wanted one of those clever cutting machines yet another brilliant use


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