
My New Years Resolution

I'm not real big on New Years Resolutions...  Most resolutions seem to include loosing weight, getting in shape or getting healthy.  I can't believe how many commercials and infomercials have been on the past few days for diets and exercise... But I guess this is the time that they push there gimmicks.

This year I thought I'd try something new for my resolution.  My resolution is this: I am going to get my house organized, one room at a time.  First I am starting with my master bedroom closet.  I have a decent size walk in closet.  Right now it is pretty much busting at the seams with clothes, shoes and purses...  Many of which I have not worn or used in several years.  For my first step, today I have been going through the items and creating piles... A donate pile, a trash pile and a pile of items to keep.  If I don't use an item and it is still in good shape I will donate it, otherwise it's going into the trash.  I'm trying to part with everything that I don't wear, don't use or that doesn't fit well.  The rule is supposed to be, if you haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it.  Well, I am deviating a little, but I am using a two year rule.  Also, if I don't love it, I should probably just get rid of it.  Items in our closets that we don't love, pretty much just sit there and take up valuable space.  So finally I am letting them go.  Hopefully someone else can use them!  One thing I have chosen to keep, which obviously I don't wear, is my wedding dress.  I figure it's okay to keep one or two sentimental items in my closet :)

I can't afford fancy built in organizers, but I did get nice wood hangars to hang everything on.  I also got a little shelf shoe rack that goes on the floor and a hanging organizer for all of my P.J.'s.  Clearing out all the junk and making these few improvements should make a much more enjoyable closet space for me .

What is your New Years Resolution?  How is it going so far?

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. My upstairs spare bedroom and downstairs storage are getting flipped. Also not spending money to do it ;) It won't be fab but it will be much more functional! Good luck!!

  2. @ Shannon... Functional is Fab :) I think good function is as important as good decor... maybe it's even more important to have good function as it helps our lives to be less stressful! I always love your posts... You have a great eye and you do great DIYs!

  3. Hi Diana,

    Yes, I was the Patty you were looking for! Nice to meet you too. We do seem to have a lot in common from what our husbands say. Sorry though, that we have Fibromyalgia in common.

    I like your blog, I will be back to visit. Hopefully the four of us can make a date for dinner sometime.

    Thank for visitng my blog..I hope to put a facelift on my Beside Stillwaters blog. Just need to do it, but I have been so busy.

    Have Blessed day!


I love all of your comments and I read every one... I'd love to hear from you!
