
Christmas JOY - Easy Mirror DIY Project

This is one of my first DIY Christmas craft projects that I shared when I first started this blog... It was super easy and inexpensive.  I had three mirrors that I had found on clearance for $5 each that I had yet to use. I went to my local craft store and purchased plywood letters for a couple of dollars each that spelled "JOY"... I painted them using a sponge brush with both silver Metallic craft paint and glitter paint to give them a bit of blingy sparkle.  I figure you can never have enough sparkle during the holidays!

I like using a paper plate to hold my paint and a sponge or foam brush for painting because they are both inexpensive and disposable (making clean up super fast and easy).  I put a bath towel (that I used regularly just for crafts) on the dining table to protect it from my paint mess.

I used medium Command Picture-Hanging Strips on the back of each letter and on the center of each mirror to mount the letters to the mirrors.

The command strips remove easily when the holidays are over so I can still use the mirrors year round.  Or another idea would be to attach other letters or symbols for other times of the year.  My husbands name is Jim and my name is Diana so I was thinking "J&D" might be cute on the mirrors after the holidays.

When I first made these I displayed the JOY mirrors in our entryway.  This year I will be hanging these mirrors (after Thanksgiving).  I will be sure to get updated pictures once I do.



1 comment:

  1. I love the JOY sign - so imaginative. Silver is such a great Christmas color. -- Jan


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