
New Blog Design

Today I gave my blog a makeover.  I tend to get bored with things and need to change them up every so often.  Do any of you do that???  Yesterday I started playing with new header ideas and today I installed it and made several other changes too.  Earlier in the year I learned how to design my own blog stuff, so now it's sorta like decorating... I like variety and changing my decor with the seasons... So now I change my blog whenever I get bored too!!!

I'd love to know how you like it... and hear any suggestions you might have for improvements :)

Thanks so much!



  1. I like the new blog header! Your blog header skills are certainly better than mine. I change mine once in a while but it stays pretty basic.

    1. :) Thanks Carlene... I'm happy to know that people like it!

  2. Love your new blog design Diana! Did you do it yourself or have someone design it for you? Also, where did you get your shield that surrounds your blog title in your header?

    1. Thanks Pam! I designed it myself... I bought a "How to make a cute blog" design course at the beginning of the year from a site called "Makin Cute Blogs" and it taught me everything I needed to know. As for the Shield/Frame you asked about, I bought a set of frames on ETSY. There are two blog design stuff sellers that I like on Etsy. That particular frame was from Fancy Dog Studio. I also like The Digital Design Shop. They both have super cute stuff for just a few dollars. Here are their links to check them out.

  3. It looks beautiful! I am in major need of redoing mine. I think you just gave me the initiative to do so! You did a wonderful job on yours!

  4. Beautiful! It's nice to change things now and then! I love it!b

    1. :) I agree... I'm think I'm addicted to changing things up when it comes to decor!

  5. I am new to the blog world. I am tying to get mine up and running. Like you I didn't want to hire someone to do it. So I have spent hours trrying to learn it myself. So thank you so much for the information on the course and link. This course will be so helpful. I will strive to have one as nice as yours. It looks GREAT~

    1. The course made it so much easier to understand, design and make changes to my blog!!! I hope you enjoy it and get allot out of it.

      Thank you for the compliments :)



I love all of your comments and I read every one... I'd love to hear from you!
