
Burlap & Birdhouse Patriotic Wreath

A couple of weeks ago I heard about a pool noodle craft party and I wanted to be a part of it.  It was time to get my DIY craft on!  I went to Walmart and found a pool noodle. After I got it home, I taped it together, and then I procrastinated for awhile... I had a ton of ideas in my head, but no clear vision...  I thought about it daily but worked on other projects instead.  It was time to stop thinking about it and finally just do it!  Yesterday I gathered together a bunch of craft supplies and got to creating :)

Fold noodle into a circle and then use duct tape or packaging tape to hold the seam together.  Below you can see my hubby holding my noodle wreath form up for me so I could get a good picture of it.  At the same time he had been assembling our new porch chairs (see on my prior post).  He's such a sweetie!!! 

Here is the pile of craft goodies I got together to get started on my wreath.  I always knew I wanted to go patriotic.  I had fabrics, ribbons, thread, needles and a yard of burlap.  I decided the burlap was going to cover the base of my wreath.

I cut the burlap into 12" strips and then tied it up around my wreath form with twine.  I kept the twine loose fit so I could bunch the burlap to my desired look after it was all tied on.

After I was done covering my wreath form (noodle), I set out to make some denim and cotton fabric flowers.  They are pretty easy to make.  However, they are a little time consuming.  I will post a tutorial on how to make these in the future.

I've had this patriotic bird house for about 15 years and I decided to go with a birdhouse and nest in the middle of the wreath.  I laid all of my pieces on top of the wreath to get an idea of what it would look like.  Then I got out my glue gun and went glue crazy!  

About an hour later I was done and my masterpiece was hanging on my front door.  My finished one of a kind creation is below...  I just  can't decide if I like it better with or without the final blue ribbon I put on it.  I would love to hear your thoughts :)  Please leave me a comment!

Blue Ribbon or Not ???

Come party with us at the pool noodle craft party, it's going on now: Click Here to Visit Party  


  1. Diana, Your wreath turned out beautiful! LOVE the birdhouse and nest! I definitely vote for the blue ribbon. Visiting you from the Pool Noodle Summer Party. So happy to be now following! Hope you have a wonderful night. :-)

    1. Thank you for the compliment and your input Sharla. I appreciate it :)

  2. Oh I just love your noodle. The birdhouse is such a cute touch. I love it all, the burlap is great too. Thanks so much for joining in on the party.

    1. Thanks Debbie :) I recently started following you and I absolutely love your site!!! Keep up the good work!

  3. cute wreath! i like the blue ribbon on....and i love those fabric flowers! adorable ;)

    1. Ah... Thank you! It seems the blue ribbon is a hit :)

  4. Oh yes, the blue ribbon! Just dropping in from Friday Shout Out to see what you are up to:) I love this, so summerly (is that a word?) and so patriotic:) I would also love to invite you to share any of your favorite posts at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop. So hoping to see you there! (still enjoying following you)

    1. Thanks Evelyn. I will pop over and check out the blog hop :)

  5. yes, the blue ribbon is a must!

    found you via eye heart:)

    1. Seems like everyone likes the blue ribbon <3 Thanks!

  6. What a fun wreath! I love the birdhouse!

  7. I am so happy that your wreath came to my party! Cool idea giving readers a choice of the blue ribbon, what fun for us to get involved:) Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays! Have a marvelous weekend!

  8. This is really cute. I love the bird house. I'm a new follower too!

  9. I love this so much, I've featured you here . Please stop by when you get a chance & grab a "I've been featured" button from the side bar. You can put it in this post, side bar or both. Thanks so much :)

  10. You incorporated everything beautifully, it projects the patriotic spirit!


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