
Day of Thrifting, Vintage & Flea Market Finds

Yesterday I got to spend the entire day shopping at Thrift Stores, Vintage Collectible and Antique Shops with my mom... Oh how much fun we had!!!  

We first went to a thrift store where we both found a few treasures that we had to take home.  I found some cool aqua and white plates  (marked fine china), and at $1.50 per plate I grabbed them up!  I also found some aqua stoneware plates for $1 each.  Since my family room  is aqua and brown, I've been wanting to find a ways to incorporate aqua into my kitchen... All of my other dishes are white, so I finally found some with aqua.  I got 8 total plates and three bowls.  They will look great when I mix them together with my white stuff :)  Yeah me!

Next we went to a Vintage & Collectible store.  My mission was to find Aqua Blue Mason Jars.  I've been looking for some for about a year now.  Every time I go into a thrift store, vintage store or a flea market, I've been looking to find a few.  I know I could just order some on eBay, but by the time you pay for their shipping they get quite expensive, and I just didn't want to pay that much!  I knew eventually I would find some.  So after walking this huge store, aisles and aisles of stuff, mostly junk, the last corner that I came to I saw them, four old aqua blue mason jars (two larger and two smaller).  Ahhhhhh... (angels singing) I got all excited.  My mom was laughing at me because she new I had found something but hadn't seen what yet.  I know I'm a dork, but yes, I did get super excited over my find.  One of them had a few flea bite chips out of the top, so I passed on it.  I ended up getting the two larger and one of the small jars.  I am so very happy with them!!!  

I love how they look in my kitchen window.

A few other pieces I recently found at thrift stores... are the aqua vase in the middle which is a House of Lloyd pottery piece that I got for only 75 cents... Then you see the aqua glass handle jar.  It has a bicentennial bell on the front and is marked Jack in the Box on the back (lol), it was only 50 cents and I couldn't resist.  On the far left is an aqua glass electrical insulator (something they used to use on electrical power lines.  I just loved the color and wanted it.  In fact I purcased a few of them for $2.50 each.  Obviously I just love the different colors of aqua glass and I can't seem to get enough!   

We went to a few more vintage flea market style stores and I also picked up a antique aqua-ish (that is my word) turquoise color graniteware tea kettle to put on the shelf above my kitchen cabinets.  I didn't take a picture of it yet, but after I clean it up a bit, I will.   We had a ton of fun and plan to spend an entire day next month doing the same thing.  I got my thrifting "illness" from my mom... however, I wouldn't change it!!!  I adore finding pretty treasures and good bargains :) 

I love how these old mason jars say "PERFECT MASON" on them.  In this color I'd say they really are pretty PERFECT :) 

Until next time...
Happy Decorating!



  1. It sounds like a great day, I love thrifting. You bought everything in my favorite color too! Enjoy all your new treasures.

  2. I have the same illness! Love your aqua jars and dishes, and the way they look in your window.


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