
Table Makeover - Before & After

I've had this little round table for quite a few years.  It was the last piece of totally ugly golden oak furniture in our house.  It's from about the 80's when pretty much everything we owned was golden oak (yuck, what was I thinking?)... No offense if you like that look.. But it is so not me!!!  I decided it was definitely time to give this baby a much needed makeover!  I just wish I could give myself a makeover as easily :)  lol...

This is what the table looked like as I gave it a little light sanding to smooth out the damaged surface and to help the paint stick.

After a light sanding I wiped the dust off with a shop rag and then put up on my make shift work table to spray a coat of primer.  I like to use Rustoleum spray primer...  It works on pretty much everything, even plastic.

One coat of primer and it was looking pretty.  I even considered keeping it white at this point...

But since it was going into my stairwell, which is also white, I decided to go with the color Espresso which matches my stair rail.

Here the cute little table is all finished in the base of our stairwell... Notice how the color of the table compliments the stair railing.  I know I still need to paint the walls and get a mirror or a couple of accessories on the wall, but I wanted to finish the table first before I started looking for what else to hang there.

Table makeover cost $8.  One can of primer and one can of paint.  The table is totally refreshed and like new again!  

I don't necessarily love all of the accessories as they currently are on the table (I need to find some better hydrangeas), but for now (until I find something better) they will do.  I found the adorable little shabby chic style lamp at Kirklands a few weekends ago.  It was only $15... I love me a good bargain!!!  

Until next time,
Happy decorating!


  1. Hey Its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri and the Linky Follower party.

    I love your table in black. It is gorgeous.

    I am following everyone who signs up and would love it if you follow me as well (if you haven't yet). I appreciate everyone who follows me back.

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

  2. Very cute table (and looks so much better!) I found you via the blog hop and I would love it if you could follow me back! Thanks so much -

    Carol @arewethereyet

  3. Wow! It looks stunning in black! Very nice transformation. I'm a new linky follower of yours~hope you will return the visit!

  4. Great transformation. Visiting from Tuesdays Treasures.

    Have a great day.

  5. Wow this espresso table is amazing. You had the vision to make a nice table great. Thank you for this wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our What’s It Wednesday blog party. Hope to see you there.


  6. It looks fantastic!!!! It was a cute table to begin with, but you definitely made it better. It looks perfect in the little spot you put it also.

    I dropped by from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia's Tuesdays Treasures party. Nice to meet you!


  7. Beautiful! Like you, I am on a mission to rid my home of golden oak. I like that you painted it the dark espresso - it looks as much like a stain as a can of spray paint. Thanks for linking up!


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