
Exciting Thrift Store Find

I found it!!!  I have been looking for over a year for a bench or chest to place at the foot of our bed... and I pretty much needed it to be inexpensive!  I am on a budget and that budget allows for about $50 per week for my projects.  I saw several high end pieces that I liked that I couldn't afford (from Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware).  But for me it has to be flea market, thrift store, Craigslist or a garage sale and I just couldn't seem to find anything I liked.  I didn't want to settle on something that was just okay, but I wanted to ultimately love my piece.  I think we should love all of the things in our home.  Or they should at least have the potential to be fixed and then "LOVE".

A couple of days ago I popped into a thrift store that I check out every few weeks and I found this... mid century coffee table like bench thingy...  Sure it is a little strange looking with the removable marble side lids... but it has so much potential!!!  Can you see it?  All that potential???  It is the perfect height and width to be a bench.  We have a large master bedroom and a king size bed, so I wanted the piece to be somewhat substantial... and this piece is.  The craftsmanship on this beauty is unbelievable.  Super solid and study with dovetail construction... and those cute little metal/brass feet things.  I just knew it was a quality piece, but I didn't like pick it up and look all under it for markings.  Oh, I thought about it, but it was too heavy!  I basically had no idea who manufactured it, but I didn't care... I wanted it... and for the price they were asking, it was definitely going home with me!  Get this, it was only $25.  And they don't charge sales tax at thrift stores... Bonus!  

So I paid for it and then called my hubby to stop by on his way home with the SUV to pick it up.  Whew... it fit, if it was any longer I'd have been in trouble.  The top of it is a bit scratched up, but it's nothing a little sandpaper and paint won't take care of :)  I for sure will be painting the top (center) an off white (to match the marble) and likely I will be painting the entire thing.  I just have to decide exactly what color to paint it or if it should all be off white and then a little distressed, maybe some glazing.  Possibly make a cushion for the top.  What do you think???

I know some people will say, "don't paint wood"... But me, I love me some painted furniture (forgive the grammar, or lack of it)!  I do like some wood around the house, but give me a can of paint, and I'm a happy camper... or a happy painter (hehe, okay I was trying to be funny, but I don't think my attempt worked).

Anyways, today while searching Craigslist and I came across this posting (below).  This piece is listed as a Drexel  mid century piece and is listed for $195.  It is a little taller and not as wide as mine, but it is definitely the same construction and same manufacturer.  So now I know who made my beauty (Drexel) and I know I got it for a steal!  Yes, an absolute steal at $25, which, keep in mind is only half my budget for the week.  Woohoo, Yeah me (insert happy dance here).

So now I just have to figure out what to do to it, how to finish it.  If you have any suggestions or ideas on how I should paint my bench, I'd love to hear!!!  Maybe all off white... or two tone... or a glaze over the off white to show off the details??  Hmmm... decisions decisions... Please advise :)

Oh well, now I am off to Lowe's to buy some paint for our very white entryway.  I'm bored with white and my amazing wonderful hubby is off work tomorrow so I am going to take advantage of it, of him... you know what I mean :)

Happy decorating!


  1. WOW! That is a find for sure =) Awesome. It'll be perfect. $25 bucks. I would have snagged it too. It'll be great with some glaze to bring out all the nooks.

  2. Woohoo! I love this piece the possibilites are endless. Check out Pinterest you will for sure find inspiration.

  3. What a gorgeous piece, it's full of potential. I love the detailing on the doors! New linky follower! Thanks for stopping by The Rooster And The Hen!

    1. I'm glad others are seeing the potential too! Thanks for the follow...


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