
New Blog Design - Finally Here

Yeah... It's 2:15 in the morning and I am finally done installing my new blog design...  I've been working on a tester blog over the holidays, while company was here.... in between trying to be a super mom, super wife, blogger, decorator, hostess with the mostest (not officially a word, but you know what I mean), and all around super busy person... After changing my mind on my design several times.... I somehow finally got it done (Thank you Lord!!!)

Okay, so I do have a couple of tweaks to do.  I'm sure we creative types are never really done improving our designs... but for now,

I'm pretty pleased with all I've accomplished so far!  Yes, I still need to install my grab button and I am working on context for my additional pages... But all in all, I'm just so happy to have it up and running :) Yippee...

Makin Cute Blogs |  Freebies, Tutorials, Resources, & Design Elements!A special thanks to Carolynn at Makin Cute Blogs for her DIY blog course, where I learned to do pretty much everything you see here on my blog. I chose not to hire a blog designer and instead learn how to do it myself.  I highly recommend her video course. It was very reasonably priced and easy to follow and learn.  Considering four months ago I knew absolutely nothing about blogging, very little HTML, nothing about CSS and pretty much was clueless about all of this, I am very very happy with all that her step by step course taught me and loved her freebies!

I am excited to get back to doing more organizing around our home (which was my New Years Resolution... Okay, so I admit, the organizing isn't exactly exciting, but the concept of having it all done is exciting...).  Then I can get to some fun DIY decorating projects.  I have many projects in the works, probably too many.  But I love decorating on a budget and I have so many great ideas.  Hopefully I can finally get a few projects done so I can blog about them (hehe.. love to blog!).

I hope you all come back for a visit again soon to see what else I am up to.  Thank you so much for all of your support!

I look forward to getting to know more of you in 2012.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info on blog design. I just started mine last week and have a lot to learn...Blessings, Tammy @ A Walk in the Countryside


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